Friday, 1 June 2007

Prayer Life

Just to be clear, this poem is not a prayer that I have prayed, although I can sympathise with what's being said, and I have indeed asked God for help in prayer when things have seemed just too hard. This poem however is trying to describe the problem that humans have understanding that God actually cares, when things are tough. There is a lot of self-obsession in there, and the closing words finish the poem by pointing to how we need God to act towards us. I hope you like it.

Father God,
I can not be – like this – any more
Thoughts are strained out
Paling-away thoughts
Sapping significance even from my closest ties

Lord, what can I do?
The heartache blocks my view,
Yet I never saw it coming.

It affects me in all places
Devastation claims me –
Claim me back.

Feel the stream of muscles in me
Reach limits unknown before
Pursue suffering through and through
Burst their bridges.

Tides budge a dam on its side,
Barrel ahead of my other thoughts.
Why did my mind allow –
If you are you – how could I be so weak –

My inside is turned away,
My breathing dilates, grows closer to the outpoured words
Running free from unchained lips

O God, hear my pleas,
And do not still say
Obligation – and yourself – and others.

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